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Memories of Switzerland (Shopping) /スイス生活の思い出(買い物編)

(English follows)
















Is it September already!? I guess summer is officinally over now...😨

Speaking of memories of summer, I was in Switzerland and spent a half year there for work back in July to Dec 2013.

It was my first time in Europe and of course in Switzerland and I enjoyed my stay so much but at the same time, I did experience a lot of unique things there.

First of all, shopping! (I mean grocery shopping)

I was so used to going to convenience stores and super markets that are open 24/7 in Japan, and I had never been bothered by "making time" to go grocery shopping, because I could go literally ANYTIME I wanted. However in Switzerland, except a few kiosks and small shops at airports and big train stations, many supermarkets close by 7pm(ish) and they are closed on Sundays,

...So when am I supposed to go shopping?😥 was the first thought came up to my mind, but local colleagues were making their day(s) available to go grocery shopping after work. In those days, they would leave the office at 5pm sharp and go shopping and enjoy rest of the night. For a Japanese person like me, it was quite surprising that you get to leave work at 5pm sharp...and the reason being is to do grocery shopping...!? (as it is generally considered not great thing leaving right after working hour ends, especially if you are young and new at work.)

I used to worship in Japanese convenience stores and super markets that are open 24 hours. Also when I was new at work, I tried hard to work as much as I could even after working hours to get things done. But if you must leave the office because you need to do some grocery shopping, like I had to in Switzerland, it not only gave me extra time to enjoy the night after work but I could also live like a real human being. I started to think that this is much healthier for anybody, than staying at office until midnight everyday,,,like I used to.

I usually went to the same supermarket that was close enough to walk from my apartment, and another surprising thing I faced was that, they don't have any shopping plastic bags. (and the store was not like a natural or organic shop) Instead, you can purchase a paper bag which costs about 30cents. Things in Switzerland are already quite expensive and spending additional 30cents every single time sounded silly which naturally turned me into bringing a shopping bag whenever I visit.

During summer time, there was also a market every weekend where you could buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Even if I didn't have anything specific I needed from the market, walking around under gorgeous summer weather was such a joyful moment🌞

Now I miss Switzerland so much that I need to go back there sometime SOON!

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